so this is august 2011 my hair was thes same length and the ends were thiner so i started to care for my hair again but then i got lazy once again and stoped because it was too much effort.
so then last month febuary 2012 i decided to start up my hair jorney again and this time no more lazyness!!!!! im going to document what woked for my hair and what dosent on this blog and make little update so i can track my progess. so my origanal goal was bra stap length and it still is but my mini goal is arm pit length hair i just need to get over the shoulder length hump. starting with my regimin. so i am taking my old regimin that took me from neck lenth to shoulder length and changing it up a bit because i know my hair like new things now. i also need to get into the healthy practice of triming/ dusting my hair i always say im gonna do it but then i end up not doing it.
so my old regimin was
my regimin was deep conditon once a week with ors mayonsie conditioner or herbal
i conditioner washed my hair 2 x a week with vo5 or herbal essnceses
i henna my hair once a month this strengths the hair and promotes growth.
used a hot oil treatment once a month
moisturised my hair daily with s-curl
when i first used henna i had alot of growth thickness when i got lazy i stoped doing my henna and i think that was the main thing that contributed to my hair loss and thining.
my new regimen is
Pre-Poo 1x a week with coconut oilDeep Condition 2x a week with organics olive oil "Deep Conditioner" or Aussie "3 Minute Miracle luscious long Deep Conditioner"
Co-Wash when needed I use vo5 moisture rich
Leave in vo5 strengthening leave in
Moisturisers every night with S-Curl Activator and my oil mix (olive oil, coconut oil, Castor oil)
Protein every 3 weeks with Aphogee 2 minuet, Henna, mazuri olive oil or Ors hair mayo
Clarify every 4 weeks organic root stimulator creamy aloe shampoo
Relaxer every 4 months
so i have kept somethings that worked for my hair in my new regimen and i have removed some.
i hope to keep this journey up and i hope to keep Strong and keep going until i reach my min goal apl.